Oct 19, 2022 - Oct 19, 2022
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Free for members; $59 for non-members
Traditionally, discrepancies in technology, preparation, coordination between agencies, and school policies and procedures could slow down a notification to emergency responders. Even with all the advances in interoperable communications in public safety, schools’ typical main form of communication in an emergency is a 9-1-1 call. In this webinar, what is and is not true interoperability, the importance of incident command for school leadership, and examples of tools to help guide schools and districts’ learning to improve their response will be discussed. Key takeaways include the understanding of the relationship between public safety and schools and the impact that relationship has on the community, how to help improve communications between the two to provide a faster, more effective response, and how to integrate interoperability in your area.
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Cindi Dieck, Ret. Communications Manager
Two sentence bio: Retired from Public Safety after 26 years, Cindi’s last position held was
Communications Manager. She has been an APCO member for over 15 years and a certified instructor for 14 years having taught staff members as well as college-level students. Currently, Cindi works with public safety and school personnel as a liaison and trainer.
Randy Long, Ret. Division Commander
Retired after 35 years, the last 12 years commanded the agency's PSAP. Responded to the Columbine and Platte Canyon shootings in Colorado as a SWAT team leader. Randy specialized in firearms instruction and is well-respected in the community.
About SchoolSAFE
SchoolSAFE provides a radio solution for dependable emergency communication between emergency responders and the adults in charge of students at schools. By connecting members of public safety to schools through licensed two-way radio via 9-1-1 dispatchers, SchoolSAFE is helping schools and districts effectively communicate during any emergency event. The program is a reliable all-hazards approach to improve emergency communications, enhancing two-way radio interoperability beyond the 9-1-1 call.