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Candidate for 2nd Vice President
Mark Spross, CPE, RPL

Executive Director – Marion Area Multi Agency Emergency Telecommunications (METCOM 911)

Mark Spross

Hello APCO! My name is Mark Spross and I am running for Second Vice President of APCO International. I am excited about the opportunity to serve you on the Executive Committee and believe my experience, passion, and commitment to the public safety profession for over 30 years qualify me to work for you in this position.

I started my career as a Dispatcher in Oregon in 1990. Through the years I have worked in four different ECC’s and had the privilege to work as a Dispatcher, Operations Supervisor, Technical Manager, Operations Manager and I am currently appointed as the Executive Director for an amazing team in Oregon. My involvement with APCO began at the Chapter level where I worked on several committees before serving on the Oregon combined APCO/NENA Chapter Executive Committee as Vice President (2011), President (2012 & 2013), Immediate Past President (2014 & 2015), and I am currently the Executive Council Representative for our Chapter (Aug 2020-present). Additionally, I have been the co-chair of the western regional conference and served several years as chair of our legislative committee.

I have served on numerous APCO International Committees and Task Forces, and in 2015 I was selected as vice chair of the awards committee and then appointed as chair in 2018. In 2019 I was honored to be appointed by the Executive Committee to serve as a Group Leader. The Group Leader position tasked me with providing operational oversight to APCO committees in addition to being the liaison between the committees and the APCO Executive Board.

As I look at the upcoming challenges impacting ECC’s, I take pause to see we are tackling very similar challenges that we were a decade ago but working in very different environments. We are still working to improve staffing, wellness, technology, and funding options. I am excited to work with our professional staff and all of you to tackle Next Gen 9-1-1, reclassification, staffing, health and wellness, education, and training.

I have received tremendous support from many of you, along with my mentors to run for this position. I have the support of my agency and staff, including my Board of Directors, my State Chapter, and most importantly, my family and friends. Along with my overall qualifications, I have been working hard to learn what is needed to be a member of the Executive Committee. This includes participating in meetings, obtaining updates from APCO’s Government Affairs staff, talking with professional staff, and with the heart of our organization, our members. I am well prepared to serve you as the 2nd VP and humbly ask for your vote. Please “mark” Mark Spross on your ballot for APCO International's 2nd VP.

Thank you,

Mark Spross